Writings That Inspire
The following is a selection of books that have inspired me personally and have, each in their own way, contributed to the way that I practice today. I offer the list to help inform your sense of who I am, and as resources that I can recommend wholeheartedly, to anyone engaged in enriching their life.
Tara Brach, Ph.D. (2003). Radical Acceptance. New York: Bantam Books
Pema Chödrön. (2005). Getting Unstuck. (Audio CD) Boulder, Co.: Sounds True
Daniel Goleman, Ph.D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Dell
Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. (1998). A Year of Living Consciously. New York: HarperCollins
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. (1990). Full Catastrophe Living. New York: Bantam Dell
Jack Kornfield, Ph.D. (2008). The Wise Heart. New York: Bantam
John O’Donahue. (2008). To Bless The Space Between Us.Doubleday.
The audio CD from Sounds True (2008) is John O’Donahue reading the material himself and is absolutely worth having.
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. (2007). The Joy of Living. New York: Harmony Books