Writings That Inspire

The following is a selection of books that have inspired me personally and have, each in their own way, contributed to the way that I practice today. I offer the list to help inform your sense of who I am, and as resources that I can recommend wholeheartedly, to anyone engaged in enriching their life.

  • Tara Brach, Ph.D. (2003).
    Radical Acceptance.
    New York: Bantam Books

  • Pema Chödrön. (2005).
    Getting Unstuck. (Audio CD)
    Boulder, Co.: Sounds True

  • Daniel Goleman, Ph.D. (1995).
    Emotional Intelligence.
    New York: Bantam Dell

  • Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. (1998).
    A Year of Living Consciously.
    New York: HarperCollins

  • Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. (1990).
    Full Catastrophe Living.
    New York: Bantam Dell

  • Jack Kornfield, Ph.D. (2008).
    The Wise Heart.
    New York: Bantam

  • John O’Donahue. (2008).
    To Bless The Space Between Us.

  • The audio CD from Sounds True (2008) is John O’Donahue reading the material himself and is absolutely worth having.

  • Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. (2007).
    The Joy of Living.
    New York: Harmony Books